american red nose pitbull

American Red Nose Pitbull

Red Nose


The American Red Nose Pitbull, a striking variant of the well-known American Pitbull Terrier, has captured hearts with its unique beauty and undeniable charm. Despite facing an unfair share of controversy and breed bans in some regions, these loyal and affectionate dogs can blossom into amazing family companions with proper training and socialization. Let’s delve beyond the stigma and unveil the truth about the Red Nose Pitbull, exploring its history, appearance, and the qualities that make it a wonderful addition to the right home.

A Peep into the History

they are, with its distinctive reddish coat and athletic build, boasts a lineage that stretches back to the dawn of civilization. Emerging around 4000 BC, these dogs were initially bred for utilitarian purposes, serving as loyal working companions and even participating in dogfighting activities in some regions. Their journey to prominence began in Ireland, where they descended from the “Old Family Red Nose” strain of Pitbulls, known for their unwavering strength and tenacity.

Breed Origin

The breed’s ancestors, known as Old Family Dogs, were bred around the mid-19th century. Over time, these dogs evolved into the Old Family Red Nose strain, which now distinguishes Red Nose Pitbulls as a unique segment of the American Pitbull Terrier’s bloodlines.

Recognized for their fierce nature, breeders selectively bred the Red Nose Pitbulls to preserve the strain’s purity. It was around mid-20th century that the Red Nose Pitbulls, along with Irish immigrants, arrived in the US.

Understanding their Characteristics

This Terriers, akin to their Blue Nose counterparts, command a higher price than other color variants of their breed.


Typically, an American Red Nose Pitbull Terrier boasts a stocky, athletic build, making them larger than the average Pitbull. Their weight ranges between 30 to 50 lbs for females and can reach up to 65 lbs for males.

Their distinctive muscular neck, well-chiseled head, robust jaws, and broad chest lend them an extra edge of strength.

Color Types

The breed’s fur, lips, and toenails flaunt a beautiful red, brown, or copper color, with their amber eyes adding to their unique look. Some may even have patches of white fur, especially on their chest and toes.


The American Red Nose Pitbulls have a short, fine, and smooth coat, making their grooming quite simple. However, they do not have a hypoallergenic coat and tend to shed moderately twice a year.


Despite their initial use in fighting and common misconceptions regarding their aggressive nature, American Red Nose Pitbulls can be sweet and loving when raised correctly. While all dogs have the potential to be dangerous, proper training can make them ideal pets.

This breed loves interaction, attention, and companionship. Known for their gentleness and friendliness, they make great pets for families and have a reputation for being excellent with children.


On average, an American Red Nose Pitbull can live up to approximately 14 years. However, some have been known to live up to 16 years.

Recognized Health Issues

While Pitbulls are known for their hardiness, the American Red Nose Pitbull breed does face certain health issues. Some of these include joint problems due to their heavy frame, skin conditions, retinal degradation, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, and kneecap dislocation.

Daily Life

American Red Nose Pitbull Terriers are physically robust and active dogs that enjoy outdoor activities. Besides a good diet, they also need a lot of social interaction.

Food and Diet

To stay healthy, it’s crucial to tailor the diet of your American Red Nose Pitbull according to their age, size, and needs. The dietary requirements will change as they age and their calorie needs alter.

American Red Nose Pitbull Puppies

As puppies, your Red Nose Pitbull will benefit from dry kibble, divided into 4 to 6 meals every day until they turn six months old. After six months, you can switch their feeding schedule to three meals per day.

American Red Nose Pitbull Adults

Once your American Red Nose Pitbull reaches 18 months, their diet should primarily consist of meat instead of grains. Their diet should contain 15% to 30% protein, and there should also be 15% to 20% fat.


Exercise is crucial for your American Red Nose Pitbull. As active dogs, they benefit from being outside and should get around an hour of physical and mental exercise to stay in top shape.

Family Compatibility

American Red Nose Pitbulls make great family pets and are known for their excellent compatibility with children. However, it is often advised to have some experience with training larger dogs before bringing a Red Nose Pitbull into your home.


American Red Nose Pitbulls are intelligent and respond well to training, especially when positive reinforcement, rewards, and praise are used.


Grooming an American Red Nose Pitbull is relatively straightforward due to their smooth and short coat. Brushing their coat daily is essential to distribute the oils in their fur evenly.

Cost of a Red Nose Pitbull

The cost of an American Red Nose Pitbull can depend on the breeder you choose. While some breeders may charge $500, others may charge over $1000.


While American Red Nose Pitbulls may have a reputation for being violent and aggressive, the truth is far from it. With the right training and enough social interaction, these dogs prove to be sweet, loving, and good-natured. They make excellent family dogs and are a great addition to any home.

the red nose pitbull

The red nose pitbull


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